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Torch Fire Particle
Clip showcasing my torch fire particle from Unreal 4.
Torch Flame Particle
Using the Sub-UV material below I created this flame particle with a torch fire as reference. There are also some embers orbiting the particle to create some subtle hints of particulates flowing off.
Torch Fire Cascade
Screenshot of the particle layout in Cascade (Unreal 4). The particle emits its own light and interacts with the environment.
Campfire Particle
My campfire particle in action within Unreal Engine 4. Adding in the vector fields to help push the embers and flame movement really helped to solidify the effect.
Campfire Particle
A reworked version of the Torch particle. I have taken it and widened the flames location as well as increased the amount of smoke and embers that are produced. I also added in a vector field from Autodesk Maya to better simulate the embers movement from a fire as the wood pops.
Campfire Cascade
Cascade screenshot of the layout for the particle. There is now a second flame emitter creating smaller versions of the fire to make it flit in and out a little better. There is also a duplicated embers emitter that produces bursts of embers moving around the fire and disappearing.
Ember Material
This material controls the embers that are in both particles. There is a dynamic parameter within the material that allows myself and other users to control the flicker amount on the embers.
Candle Flame
Clip of the candle flame particle along with a wax material to really highlight how a candle would look.
Fire Material
Fire material that utilizes Sub-UVs and is enhanced via some UV and Macro-UV distortion through panning noise textures through the UV information. This distortion solidifies the very fluid-like nature of fire and helps to enhances the particles that utilize this material. This material was used for both the Torch Fire particle and the Campfire Particle.
Fire Smoke Material
Simple smoke material that was created first in Photoshop and then brought into Unreal 4. The material adds some noise information to the material in order to add alpha jitter through each sprite emission in the particle editor.
Candle Flame
Still image of the candle flame particle. I have since updated the particle from its previous render. This version is utilizing the Fire Material that I created. It has turned out to be quite resourceful in its possible uses. The updated particle is tapered more and actually produces flicks of light on the scene.
Candle Flame Material
The candle flame material is just a basic radial gradient mask that I have added some panning normal distortion to enhance the heat distortion. It also allows for some variety within the sprites so that it is not entirely read as a flat entity.
Simple Candle Flame
Cascade screenshot from Unreal Engine 4. I put together two emitters to create a candle flame. One emitter controls the flame and the other controls heat distortion from the flame.